Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A Timeline of Writing

Life can be benchmarked one million ways.  I know this.  I am no fool-yo.  But it's in these ways that we can better understand ourselves.  Like dissection, but without the extreme -ick factor.  So, i felt this just now.  So, I present to you, a timeline of writing:

In the 2nd grade we have the infamous "Dog Story" that I remember only loosely.  He (a dog) was in love with her (a dog) and they crossed a street.  I think she was killed and he killed himself.  That is probably all a lie I told myself to make this story better than it is, but just maybe I did write that.

In the 4th grade I was responsible for "The Grand Adventure", and critics be damned we had a great adventure.  Me and some of my classmates (Colin, and Dylan (I'm SO SORRY I forget your name but I'm guessing Dylan) went on The Grand Adventure to get some treasure.  Very Indiana Jones-esque but it was good....for forth grade.  Good is defined as hijacking your father's office equipment to make several bound copies and then give them to him (maybe sell them to him, sorry dad)

Junior High was different.  The theme of the story evolved to a new kind of adventure.  A story inspired just as much by my years of playing fantasy video games and reading fantasy books as it was driven from the actual games of Dungeons and Dragons I played way back when with my best friend.  TecDemon was born.  Now in Print!  (Shameless plug, so sue me)

In total there are 4 TecDemon Stories now, the next one is under revision.  The third and fourth were previously drafted on media that has not survived my life to date.  It may be in a box somewhere in Missouri, but I doubt it.  I will be rewriting them.  Notice I said will there, indeed.

The next concept of a story came about from my fascinations with robots.  Much fun can be had with the robots.  In a another life I also programmed which I can detail in post later.  I created a Cow / Robot (a cowborg) creature that eventually was named Garrett (original name was Gimpy, I watched alot of pulp fiction then).  This creature grew into an intergalactic traveller that landed on a tiny little world with a gifted magical girl.  Shadows Over the Night is a huge Sci-Fi Trilogy (Book 1 now 75% drafted) and has forever been a dream of mine to share (well forever since I had it)


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